sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

Stop Porn Addiction

Dear Friend,

I think I know how you might be feeling right now. The lack of control, the self hate, thehopelessnessanxiety, low self esteem, and depression. Perhaps you also have a partner who you are tired of lying to about your addiction ... or maybe they have already found out and your relationship is strained or breaking!
This is life for a porn addict and it is a miserable and lonely existence without help or support for the most part. Friends and family may not understand or be able to help, the taboo nature of this addiction makes it hard to even seek help! The fear of even being laughed at because most people do not understand that pornography can be an addiction keeps you locked in a cage of fear and loathing.
But no matter what others think, you and I know it is difficult and depressing!
Pornography addiction is very real though, and has serious consequences such as:

xLowered self esteem and sense of self worth
xLethargy, self loathing and even clinical depression
xMassively increased chance of divorce and relationship break up
xTrouble connecting sexually with your partner
xViewing porn at work or other inappropriate places
xLoss of many life experiences and opportunities
xLoss of money spend on subscription sites, strip joints and many other costs
xPremature ejaculation problems or other erectile dysfunction
xWarped view of sexuality
xAnxiety and panic akin to withdrawal symptoms
xIncreased sexual risk taking with prostitutes and extra martial affairs


Have You Experienced Any Of These Problems?

Okay, I do not want to say all these things to make you feel bad, or worse, than you already feel. What I wanted to do was show you that I understand where you are, and where you are coming from, because I have been there myself - twice!
That's right, I was a porn addict too once when I was single. I thought I had recovered from this and put it behind me, but years later when I was married I fell right back into the habit because I had not really come to terms with this problem at a base level.
The other reason that I wanted to cover off all these miserable depressing things is to make a point about what you could be leaving behind. To make you see the stark truth of what porn addiction is, and what it can be as it gets progressively worse which inevitable happens.
Some addicts manage to crawl out of their addiction slowly but can fall back into it too easily, others never manage to kick this habit and end up mired in sleaze and the shallow miserable lifestyle;e that comes with it – I don’t want this to happen to you!

stop porn addiction help Click Here!